Create Safeguarding Statement
At Create Partnership Trust we put the safeguarding and wellbeing of the children first and expect all visitors and volunteers to do the same.
In our schools children are taught how to keep themselves safe, form positive relationships, and know who to speak to if they need help.
We work with our families and outside agencies to safeguard our pupils. Our staff have a duty of care to report any concerns, and always act in the best interests of the child.
At Greet we safeguard children by:
- protecting children from maltreatment
- preventing the impairment of children's mental and physical health or development
- making sure children receive safe and effective care
- taking action to enable all children have the best outcomes
Meet Our Designated Safeguarding Team
Mrs Herring
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Ms Yasmin
Miss Williams
Mr Haydon
Mrs Holder
Mrs Shahnawaz
Mr Ali
Mrs Dulai
Mrs Farooq
Miss Foley
Miss Fryer
Miss Richardson
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is a senior member of the schools leadership team. The DSL is takes lead responsibility for safeguarding children in school. The DSL and the Deputy DSL Team have received specialist safeguarding children training.
Overall Responsibility for Safeguarding within Create Mark Unwin (CEO)
Our Designated Trustee for Safeguarding Mary Higgins
Greet Primary School's Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance.
All school staff are aware that:
- Disclosures of abuse or harm from children may be made at any time.
- Their role is to listen and note carefully any observation which could indicate abuse.
- They must report any safeguarding concerns to the Designated Senior Lead (DSL) immediately or in her absence to a Deputy DSL.
- All safeguarding concerns are recorded on CPOMS (Child Protection Online Management System).
On-Line Safety
At Greet we fully recognise our responsibilities for safeguarding children in the digital world. We understand that that the world of technology has many positives in todays society but we also recognise that there are many risks for our children as they spend more time on-line. Safeguarding is paramount and we will always act in the best interests of the child and therefore aim to create and maintain a culture of vigilance both inside and outside of school.
On-line safety guidance for parents
Reporting on-line safety concerns
Parental Controls for any device
Parent Workshop Slides and Guides
Domestic Abuse
Sadly, some of our children experience domestic abuse in their homes. In 2022 Keeping Children Safe in Education was update to reflect a change in legislation to recognise that children who live in homes where domestic abuse happens are victims of domestic abuse in their own right.
Greet Primary School is an Operation Encompass School. Operation Encompass is a joint operation involving Birmingham Children's Trust, West Midlands Police and Birmingham City Council. It was established to help provide in-school support to children who have been present at, exposed to or involved in any domestic abuse incident.
Right Help, Right Time
In line with Birmingham Safeguarding Children’s Board, Greet follows the “Right Help, Right Time” (RHRT) threshold guidance. This framework has provided everyone at Greet with clear advice about what to do and how to respond if a child and their family need extra help. We work with our external partners including Birmingham Children's Trust, West Midlands.
Police and health professionals. Our DSLs, have attended the required training suggested by the RHRT Multi-Agency so have embedded the RHRT guidance within the day to day practice of the school. Our staff regularly receive training so they know that the voice of the child is at the centre of their planning, decision making and service delivery.
For further information on the materials provided by RHRT, read the following documents:
Safeguarding Audit
We have termly safeguarding audits as part of the Trust's commitment to keeping children safe. Reports can be found below for your reference:
Your Help as Parents/Carers
If you have any concerns about your own child, including anything they discuss with you about school, please contact our DSL:
Mrs Herring
0121 464 3360
Alternatively you can ask to speak to Mrs Herring at the school office.
You may also contact:
Children's Advise and Support Service (CASS): 0121 464 3360
Police: 999 (if someone is in immediate danger)
Police: 101 (non urgent Police matters)
NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000
ChildLine: 0800 1111