Welcome to Year 1

Our brilliant Year 1 team this year are:

Mr W Seabrook - 1WS class teacher and Year Group Leader

Mrs J Jhutty - 1JJ class teacher                   

Miss B Houghton - 1BH class teacher

Mrs L Alley - 1FB class teacher

Mrs M Akhtar - PSA

Mrs P Akhtar - PSA

Ms A Zarif - PSA

Mrs R Munir - PSA

Important Information

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The Year 1 PE day is Tuesday.

Children must come to school in their PE kits.

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Year 1 Summer Curriculum Leaflet

Summer History Knowledge Organiser

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Maths Homework

Children are asked to complete online maths homework each week.

Please use the link below to access the homework.

Maths homework
Use your child's login details for Bug Club to login and access School Jam for maths games.

English Homework

Children will receive a set of spellings to learn each week. These are sent home each week on paper. Please support your children in learning these at home.

Please also listen to your child read their phonics home learning book daily.

Summer Home Learning Projects

Below are a list of different home learning projects. We would love it if children completed three of these across the summer term.

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The children will be learning phonics using the Read Write Inc programme. Below are some videos that will help your child to learn the sounds. These can be used throughout the term.

How to say the sounds

Set 1

Set 1 - m

Set 1 - a

Set 1 - s

Set 1 - d

Set 1 - h

Set 1 - t

Set 1 - j

Set 1 - w

Set 1 - v

Set 1 - r

Set 1 - i

Set 1 - k

Set 1 - l

Set 1 - e

Set 1 - f

Set 1 - b

Set 1 - u

Set 1 - n

Set 1 - c

Set 1 - o

Set 1 - g

Set 1 - p

Set 1 - z

Set 1 - z

Set 1 - y

Set 1 - sh

Set 1 - th

Set 1 - ch

Set 1 - qu

Set 1 - ng

Set 1 - nk

Set 1 - ck

Set 2

Set 2 - ay

Set 2 - ee

Set 2 - igh

Set 2 - ow

Set 2 - oo (zoo)

Set 2 - oo (look)

Set 2 - or

Set 2 - ar

Set 2 - air

Set 2 - oy

Set 2 - ou

Set 3

Set 3 - ea

Set 3 - oi

Set 3 - a-e

Set 3 - i-e

Set 3 - o-e

Set 3 - u-e

Set 3- aw

Set 3 - are

Set 3 - ur

Set 3 - er

Set 3 - ow

Set 3 - ai

Set 3 - oa

Set 3 - ew

Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) - Mathematics

You can support your child to develop their mathematics skills by practising these key skills with them each half term. We have included some links free online games to help.

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Some useful websites for you to use:

Topmarks : https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/counting

ICT games: https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/index.html

Mathsframe: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/category/22/most-popular 

awaiting content.