Welcome to Year 2

Our brilliant Year 2 team this year are:

Miss F Begum- 2FP class teacher

Miss R Hanif - 2RH class teacher 

Mrs N Hamid - 2NH class teacher

Miss U Tariq - 2UT class teacher

Mrs K Copestick - PSA

Mrs R Kauser - PSA

Mrs S Islam - PSA

Mrs S O'Donnell - Assistant Headteacher & Year Group Leader

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Year 2 have PE on a Wednesday afternoon every week.

Children are to come to school in their PE kit every Wednesday.

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Summer History Knowledge Organiser

Spring Geography Knowledge Organiser

Autumn History Knowledge Organiser


Your child has a spelling practise overview for all of this half term. Each week, there are key spellings to learn that link with their current phonics learning, statutory spellings from Year 2's national curriculum and words related to topics of learning in our curriculum at Greet.

Please practise the relevant spellings week by week with your child.

They will be tested every Friday during their phonics lesson. 

Group A- Miss Begum and Miss Tariq's groups

Group B- Miss Hamid and Miss Hanif's groups

Group C- Mrs Islam/Mrs Kauser's group and Mrs Copestick's group


Please listen to your child read their phonics book daily at home, this really benefits children's fluency.

Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) - Mathematics

You can support your child to develop their mathematics skills by practising these key skills with them each half term. We have included some links free online games to help.

It is important that children learn key mathematical facts fluently and that they can recall them quickly. This will help them to solve more difficult problems quickly and accurately. It also helps to reduce cognitive load (the amount of information you need to process) so they can focus on more difficult elements of mathematical problem solving.

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Some useful websites for you to use:

Topmarks : https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/counting

ICT games: https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/index.html

Mathsframe: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/category/22/most-popular 


We had great fun studying flowers and all of their details. We sketched them using real life flowers to help us. Our focus artist, Yayoi Kusama, has created some bright and bold flower art and this was the inspiration for our final pieces!

Below shows the sequence of our learning and then there are some wonderful examples of our final pieces!